015 #reshapedbody pic.twitter.com/Gh90o1ZBjo
— 「」kenrikodaka.as (@kenrikodaka) September 3, 2024
049 #reshapedbody pic.twitter.com/CttdBM40u2
— 「」kenrikodaka.as (@kenrikodaka) February 28, 2025
【予告映像05】ひきつづきXRAYHEAD GARDENの映像です。すでに、TVなどでも実演済みですが、まぁ見てもらった通りで、特に何も付け加えることはありません。これを体験したいという猛者の方はぜひ #ミーのドーン へ。 pic.twitter.com/Ui9QuPAdbO
— 「」kenrikodaka.as (@kenrikodaka) November 19, 2024
XRAYHEAD Garden creates a powerful sensation as if an experimenter’s hand is penetrating the participant’s skull with tactile and audio feedback. It builds on the earlier XRAYHEAD, which produced the illusion of seeing a skeleton inside the head. The illusion is generated by the experimenter touching a smart-skull model with LEDs synchronized to the participant’s head surface. The primary innovation is the ability to open the skull along the forehead line and the inclusion of a compact sound instrument with a light sensor. This system modifies the sound’s timbre based on hand penetration depth, enhancing the illusion of sound emanating from inside the head. To evaluate its effectiveness, we conducted two experiments. In the first, 86\% of participants reported experiencing an illusory sensation of skull intrusion and a lingering object inside the head. The second experiment showed that audio-tactile integration significantly strengthened the sensation of sound originating from one’s head (magnet-head illusion).
中山愛唯 加賀美果歩 小鷹研理
- 大名古屋電脳博覧会2023, 市民ギャラリー矢田3階展示室, 2023.10.4-9 [BLOG]
- 科学と芸術の丘2023, 松雲亭(松戸), 2023.10.22 [WEB]
- からだの錯覚の研究室展, こども未来館ここにこ(豊橋), 2024.1.20-21 [BLOG]
- 注文の多い「からだの錯覚」の研究室展3 ミーのドーン,名古屋市青少年文化センター・アートピア, 2024.11.22-24 [EXHIBITION]
- 小鷹研理・中山愛唯: XRAYHEAD GARDEN, 第29回大会日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 技術・芸術展示(1G-08), 2024.9 [PDF]
- Kenri Kodaka & Kaho Kagami: XRAYHEAD Garden: Intrusion of a Sound-emitting Object into the Head via Audiovisual Integration. , ACM CHI 2025, Interactivity Track, Accepted