【予告映像01】#ミーのドーン 予告一発目は、展示全体のコンセプトのモチーフともなっている『DRUMMED HEAD』。「自分の頭がふっとばされる」という事件を意図的に引き起こす、所謂<事件の自己設計問題>の最深部にまで入り込んだ、小鷹研による頭部解放錯覚の第7形態。これを体験せずには帰れない。 pic.twitter.com/2lISiNkzkA
— 「」kenrikodaka.as (@kenrikodaka) November 14, 2024
Drummed Head Experience is a head-mounted display (HMD) system that creates the surreal sensation of one’s head being separated from their body. This illusory detachment occurs in sync with banging an upside-down drum on a table, physically controlled by the HMD wearer. Throughout the trial, participants continuously hold the wooden upside-down drum, which serves as a miniature avatar of themselves in the virtual space, with both hands. By aligning their head with the bottom of the drum through audiovisual transitions, participants can experience the sensation of attaching or detaching their virtual head to or from the drum’s body (illusory head-switching). Notably, the movements of the virtual head, now transferred onto the drum, precisely mirror the participant’s actual head movements, reinforcing the illusion of observing oneself from behind. Ultimately, banging the upside-down drum on the table causes the virtual head to separate from the avatar’s body, be propelled upward, and eventually roll onto the floor.This technology was tested in a laboratory experiment, where 80\% of participants reported a strong or very strong sensation of their own head being blown away. In a follow-up experiment, audiovisual transitions in Drummed Head were found to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the head-switching illusion.
古谷利裕さんの『Drummed Head』評https://t.co/5fcKzuZz8m pic.twitter.com/MqSiR0QDqT
— 「」kenrikodaka.as (@kenrikodaka) October 2, 2024
加賀美果歩 鈴木剛 小鷹研理
- 一次審査通過|XR CREATIVE AWARD 2024 [LINK]
- 『身体がますますわからなくなる』『セザンヌの犬』ダブル刊行記念トークイベント, RYOZAN PARK 巣鴨, 2024.9.23
- 注文の多い「からだの錯覚」の研究室展3 ミーのドーン,名古屋市青少年文化センター・アートピア, 2024.11.22-24 [EXHIBITION]
- 加賀美果歩・鈴木剛・小鷹研理: Drummed Head:HMD空間における頭部の中動態的な離脱体験-, 第29回大会日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 技術・芸術展示(1G-08), 2024.9 [PDF]
- 加賀美果歩・小鷹研理: 頭部着脱錯覚における視聴覚トランジッションの効果, 日本基礎心理学会第43回大会, ポスター発表, 人間環境大学松山道後キャンパス, 2024.12 [Abstract] [Poster]