「からだは戦場だよ2018」予告・第四弾は、その名も『Immigrant Head』(漂流頭部)です。これは、二つの方法で、頭部だけが漂流するような自己イメージを体感しようとするものです。もっとざっくり言うと、「頭部として自立している自分を想像できるだろうか」という関心と結びついています。
— 「」kenrikodaka (@kenrikodaka) January 26, 2018
Immigrant Head is a head-mounted display (HMD) system that provides an unrealistic experience in which one’s head is clearly separated from the rest of his or her body. This bizarre experience is strongly related to the recent discussion on minimal phenomenal self (MPS). It questions whether one’s body image is a necessity to maintain one’s sense of self. It is of importance that this experience is expected to reveal various cognitive properties underlying the out-of-body experience (OBE).
In the HMD system, the physical head rotation of the HMD wearer is always associated with the avatar’s head rotation that the wearer sees in a HMD space. This correlation is essential to convey an illusion: it is as though the HMD wearer owns the avatar’s head as his or her body; this is referred to as full body illusion (Salmon et al., 2013). The unrealistic separation is exhibited in two ways. The first separation occurs by a physical blow to the head; a head-size gong is hung before the HMD and an experimenter beats the gong directly and intensely with a drum-stick. The timing of the crash is detected through a built-in micro-phone of the VIVE (HTC). Once the crash is detected, the perspective, which is located just behind the avatar’s head, is blown off backwards from the original body. The second separation occurs by intentionally leaning the physical head backwards; the consequence is in contrast with the first separation. The perspective is slowly separated from the original head according to the inclination of the angle of the head toward the backward direction.
加賀芳輝 小鷹研理
- 研究室展示『からだは戦場だよ2018 人間は考えヌ頭部である』, やながせ倉庫・ビッカフェ, 2018.1.27-28 [WEB]
- 2018.1.28 Untitled|偽日記@はてなブログ 古谷利裕 [Hatena Blog]